
This week I had an animation audition....for a COW. 🐄 Fun, right? They gave us one line to send in... ONE. 

And it was.....”NOOOOOOOOOO...”

That’s right. NOOOOOOOOO. 😳 

C’est tout. That’s it. 

Hmmm. Now, some of you are reading this and saying, “Yes, yes, I got the same audition...” It’s fair to say that at least 50 of us sent in a NOOOOOO on an mp3. 

I took the opportunity (because every audition is an opportunity to express ourselves and perform - ah hem) to look at it the way I look at tag lines in my commercial auditions. And like I always say in my classes, (a million times at least) “How many different ways can you say that...?!?” So I asked myself the same question.

I ended up NOOOOO’ing 4 different ways. With 4 different intentions. Including a “Nah” a “No No No” and a “Nope, Uh Uh.” Cuz cows come in various personalities, right? With varying political views, grass preferences and such? 🐄 ✌🏼

All this is to say - opening up our minds to a new way to say it is not only FUN but also might get you the gig. 👍🏼 And if one of you books the Cow - DO TELL!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Do you know your worth?


What if you stretched a little?