Do you know your worth?
I have a question for you....
Do you know your worth?
What does that even mean anyway?
Is it quantifiable? Can I like, put a dollar amount on it? How ‘bout $10,000,000? Good number yes, but do I actually believe that I’m worth that??
Ask your self - do you actually believe you’re worth the success that you say you want?
Believe it like deep, deep down, in behind the dusty ‘ole complete works of shakespeare....?
Do you subconsciously believe that you’re worth, like, $1.50?
What’s the wee gremlin voice inside your head saying? Sometimes mine says, “Get a grip Hawke! You’re getting a bit big for yer britches!” (Old timey word) Or the ever popular “Get down off of your high horse....!” Lol. The horse was high, teehee.
I have gently demanded that the gremlin change the station. Pick a different tune. Something simple like, “It feels AMAZING to believe in myself.” Cheesy? Too “Anthony Robbins raw raw” for ya?
Don’t knock it until you try it friends.
Every time I receive an audition I now say out loud - “Alright, awesome! I love the opportunity to perform!! Thank you!!”
Yes, at first it felt weird - but now after a few weeks of saying that, I’ve observed myself having way more fun in my auditions and being wayyyy less self critical. Hmm.
Could I be onto something here?
Wanna try? Please let me know how it feels! The voice-over love train!!!! Hop on!