Are you a sitter or a stander?
VO Story of the Week:
Are you a sitter or a stander? These are the two options when you step into the booth. It's really just a personal preference. I've worked with a couple of very talented VO artists that always sit and some who always stand. There are no rules.
Recently I directed a demo and the client opted to sit. She had some trouble with her energy and dynamics in her reads. About 20 minutes into the record I asked her to stand up to see what would happen. And low and behold - we found some energy! Huzzah! She literally came to life.
When you stand, you have more access to breath. When you stand, you may have more ability to express yourself with your body. When you stand, it's easier to move. That said, it's a personal preference.
For me, I always stand, even in long records. I feel more grounded when I stand and I have way more access to my energy and breath. Client's who've worked with me in the booth also know that I always place one foot ahead of the other so I have more movement possibilities and I don't feel stuck.
If you're a sitter, try standing. If you're a stander, try sitting for an audition. Try different feet positions.
I've seen folks who are very nervous calm down when they sit!
I've seen folks come to life when they stand!
Most important is where you're looking...(never down), how you feel, (hopefully confident), that you're warmed up and you've done some prep on that script!
Happy recording Maniacs!