What if you stretched a little?

ο»ΏThis week in our Drop-in Commercial Class I pushed some folks a little. Some creative nudging. I literally shoved them out of their comfort zones. 

And it worked. 

The performances were amazing! I’m so proud of them. 

(You know who you are πŸ˜‰) 

What does that even feel like, you ask? Scary? Yep. Uncomfortable? Uh huh. Unfamiliar?? You bet. 

β€œBut I don’t wanna leave the comfort zone!! It’s so cushy and cozy in here!!” She said whining. 😩

What is the consequence for staying in the familiar zone? Staying small has gotten you where exactly? Ouch. 

What if you stretched a little? Took some chances? Went TOO FAR in one direction? What might happen then? 

Might there be growth? 

I wonder. 

Join us on the other side of your comfort zone!




What are your superpowers?